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France and Italy Fighting Over Libyan Oil: Is This Why They Killed Gaddafi?

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Mistaken Identity: Mali Government Troops Open Fire, Kill Mayor

What happens when military officials open fire on a suspicious vehicle, only to find out that a Mayor was in it? The sad demise of the mayor of Anderaboukane, a region in northern Mali has come as a shock to many, especially those in the West African landlocked country. Despite one of the largest countries in Africa, with an area of over 1,240,000 square kilometers, the population is surprisingly around 18 million.  Citizens were left dumbfounded when news broke that the mayor of Anderaboukane, Hamad Ahmed, was killed by military officers who mistook his vehicle for that of terrorists. The mayor was shot dead by government troops who opened fire on his vehicle, which according to them refused to stop at a check-point when it was ordered to. In a statement, the Malian army confirmed the sad incident and said the officers had no other option than to open fire because the “suspicious vehicle did not heed an order by the Malian armed forces to comply with their instructio

Central African Republic Government Enters Peace Agreement With 14 Armed Groups

Central African Republic has reached a peace deal with 14 armed groups, giving hope of lasting stability in the country. The African Union and the United Nations announced that the Central African Republic's government reached a peace deal with the 14 armed groups within the country in Khartoum, Sudan. Talks had begun on the 24th of January, ending on the 2nd of February. The country had been embroiled in violent conflict since 2013 and this will hopefully mark the beginning of brighter days. However, there is cause to be cynical as another peace deal was signed in June 2017 to no effect. That there was a need to have another agreement is disheartening but still a step in the right direction. There is a clear political will to put an end to the violence. The C.A.R. conflict was fueled by an insurgency led by the Muslim Seleka fighters who staged a coup in March 2013. In retaliation, Anti-balaka coalitions of Christian fighters started carrying out attacks against Muslim

U.S. Imposes Visa Restrictions on Ghana for Refusing to Accept Deported Citizens

Ghana risks visa sanctions for refusing to accept its deported citizens from the U.S. In what would be sad news to the millions of Ghanaian citizens who apply for American visas yearly, the United States of America has said that it would be imposing visa restrictions on Ghana. The announcement was made public in a statement released by the United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS). The DHS accused the government of Ghana of not cooperating with the U.S. in accepting citizens who were deported back to the African country for illegal status. Speaking on the sanctions, the United States Department of Homeland Security Secretary, Kirstjen Nielsen said the order was given by United States Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, citing Ghana’s lack of corporation in removing its illegal citizens from America. She said Ghana has unreasonably delayed accepting its nationals that were deported and this has led to the order for visa restrictions on certain categories of visa ap

Will Africa Have Another Patrice Emery Lumumba?

As a youth, Patrice Lumumba challenged the colonial powers for an independent DR Congo. Sadly, youths of today have other priorities. Patrice Emery Lumumba can never die; like every good man, his name will be passed on from generation to generation and as one whom the history books favor. Parents will proudly christen their children by his name, not only in the Democratic Republic of Congo but in Africa as a whole. Many youths of today are nothing like Lumumba. Africa is as bad as it was in the times of Lumumba – or even worse, but the majority of African youths are not bothered. This generation is more concerned with running back into slavery in Libya en route to Italy - they have gladly chosen the option to become rejects in Europe, Asia and America rather than fight for their heritage in Africa. Youths, of whom it is often said are the leaders of tomorrow, have bartered that tomorrow to foreigners - like the Chinese, for daily bread. We have refused to see beyond our

Elections, Debate And The Need For Attitudinal Change

Participating in presidential debates is not based on self-determined conditions or wish. It is an essential responsibility. Absence at debates is a political suicide that can break the backbone of a candidate’s political career or end it. Debate is a vital, far-reaching and inexpensive means of campaigning and earning the voters admiration before election. It is identical to an interview session wherein the employer (electorates) assess the job seekers (contestants) suitability for the job. In developed nations, candidates save debate dates and prioritize attendance over other political activities or duties. Participating in debates is not based on self-determined conditions or wish. It is an essential responsibility. Absence at debates is a political suicide that can break the backbone of a candidate’s political career or end it. In such climes, reeling out manifestoes, the implementation methodology and facing public scrutiny is not construed as rendering favor to the people

Violent Government Crackdown Continues in Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe police manned checkpoints on many main roads on Saturday, searching vehicles for protesters allegedly involved in recent anti-government demonstrations. Zimbabwe police manned checkpoints on many main roads on Saturday, searching vehicles for protesters allegedly involved in recent anti-government demonstrations. A crackdown by security forces has been fiercely criticised by the UN human rights office, with allegations of shootings, beatings and abductions of opposition figures, activists and ordinary residents. Police roadblocks were a notorious feature of daily life under former president Robert Mugabe. But they largely disappeared after he was ousted by the military in November 2017 and succeeded by his former deputy Emmerson Mnangagwa. "We want to tell members of the public that... we have already set up security checkpoints where police officers and other security institutions will be checking," police spokeswoman Charity Charamba told Saturday&